Apple was suspected to unveil its mixed reality headset during their WWDC 2022 event and new reports have now hinted that the AR/VR-based headset will now be delayed in terms of launch. The latest report reveals that this headset will launch at the beginning of the next year.
Apple’s mixed reality headphones will launch alongside special tools for developers:
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has revealed via Twitter that the Cupertino giant will be unveiling the highly-anticipated product during a dedicated event in January 2023, he went on to add that the tech-giant will reveal this product along with some fascinating new tools exclusively for developers, which will follow nearly 2 to 4 weeks after the event.
The source adds that pre-orders for the upcoming mixed reality headset will begin in Q2 of 2023. In addition to this, customers will be able to buy the headset before their annual WWDC 2023. Previous reports have already spoken about the development issues that the new product has been faced with.
These issues have led to unexpected delays and the gadget is likely to be in the upper echelon of products as it is likely to make you poorer by 3,000 USD or Rs. 2,33,020. Mixed reality means that it will be able to run both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality based applications.
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