In a groundbreaking development, iOS 17 is set to introduce sideloading support in the European Union (EU), thanks to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) law. While Apple hasn’t officially shared any update yet, it’s a big change that could cause problems for the company.
The European Commission recently published a list of companies and apps/services it considers “gatekeepers.” Apple’s iMessage doesn’t fall into this category, meaning it doesn’t have to immediately support compatibility with other services like Google’s RCS. However, iOS, the Safari browser, and the App Store are indeed gatekeepers, and this designation requires Apple to make certain changes in response to the DMA rules within six months.
What does this mean for iPhone and iPad users in the EU? It means that soon, they’ll be able to use other app stores, and different payment systems, and easily add apps from sources other than Apple’s official store. And this change is expected to feature with the release of iOS 17.
How the DMA Pushes Apple Towards Sideloading on iPhone
The DMA legislation states clear guidelines for users, businesses, and gatekeepers. Apple, as a gatekeeper, must adhere to these regulations. Some of these rules that apply to Apple include:
- Allowing users to easily uninstall pre-installed apps or change default settings.
- Permitting users to install third-party apps or app stores.
- Letting users unsubscribe from core platform services easily.
- Allowing third parties to work with Apple’s services.
- Giving business users access to their data.
- Prohibiting requirements for app developers to use specific Apple services.
By designating these tech gatekeepers in Europe, the EU essentially ensures that iPhones will soon support sideloading, at least within EU member states. Apple has six months to implement these changes, which means sideloading will likely become a reality in iOS 17.
When Can Fans Expect iOS 17 Changes?
In addition to sideloading, Apple will have to allow developers to promote their businesses outside of its platform, enabling users to purchase digital services or apps outside of the App Store. This includes scenarios like subscribing to Netflix in a browser after seeing an offer within the official app.
Furthermore, iOS 17 will need to support competing app stores alongside the official App Store and offer support for downloading iPhone and iPad apps from any source (sideloading). The DMA also practically guarantees support for third-party payment systems.
Some users can be hesitant about these changes due to convenience and security concerns. However, it’s worth noting that Apple may restrict these features to the EU region, so don’t expect sideloading to be available worldwide.
As for the timeline, Apple has six months to comply with the DMA, which means changes could come gradually. Apple will likely test these features through iOS 17.x beta releases before rolling them out officially. iOS 17 itself is set to launch next week, but expect additional features to arrive through subsequent iOS 17.x updates over the coming year.
The DMA: Can Apple Ignore It?
Apple has the option to resist implementing these changes in iOS 17 to comply with DMA regulations, but this comes with significant risks. If Apple doesn’t follow the rules, they might have to pay fines. These fines could start at 10% of Apple’s yearly earnings, which could be many billions of dollars. If the company breaks the rules over and over again, the fines may go up to 20%, and there might be even more severe consequences.
For example, the EU might make Apple sell some parts of its business or stop it from buying other companies. Apple has some worries about privacy and security because of these rules, but they also want to follow them. At last, Apple’s aim is to keep providing products and seamless services to its European customers while dealing with these regulations.