Apple is doubling down on its India commitment with the forthcoming launch of four new retail stores, with the first two — the flagship outlets in Delhi and Mumbai — already successful, Moneycontrol reported. India’s demand for Apple goods has prompted four more outlets in the Bengaluru and Pune metros, the Delhi-NCR region, and another in Mumbai.
Apple to Open Four New Stores
Apple will also produce all of the iPhone 16 series versions, with the exception of the budget smartphone, in the nation. It’s a commendable achievement, given that the tech behemoth began producing iPhones in Bengaluru as recently as 2017. The initial stores in Delhi and Mumbai have already contributed significantly to Apple’s revenue, with analysts estimating that they account for over 20% of Apple’s business in India. The country’s appetite for luxury tech is driving this rapid retail expansion.
The whole iPhone 16 line up including the premium Pro models made in India is a big move for Apple. In India, only older models were produced earlier but now Apple is in partnership with Foxconn, Pegatron, and Tata Electronics to start producing the new devices. Foxconn will manufacture the iPhone 16, 16 Plus, and Pro Max, with Pegatron and Tata Electronics turning out the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro. While India will be the primary market, the devices are going to be exported globally reflecting India’s expanding role in Apple’s supply chain.
This move is part of Apple’s broader strategy to reduce reliance on China and establish India as a key manufacturing base. Apple’s decision to produce its most premium devices in India underscores the country’s importance to the company’s long-term plans. Deirdre O’Brien, Apple’s senior vice president of retail, expressed excitement about expanding further into India, emphasizing that Apple’s stores are designed to offer more than just products—they aim to be spaces for customers to explore and engage with the brand.
Where is Apple opening new stores in India?
Apple is opening four new stores in Bengaluru, Pune, and the Delhi-NCR region, with one more in Mumbai.
Which iPhone models are being produced in India?
Apple is producing the entire iPhone 16 lineup, including the Pro and Pro Max models, in India.