Apex Legends brings new events in Season 12 Defiance with lots of things and little game patches. The event starts on March 29 and it will be called the Warriors collection event, with this event they bring back control mode and a new arena map to fight in.
Apex Legends brings back their 9v9 control mode for two weeks with this Warrior event. This time they added caustic treatment on Kings canyon. Team up and select your loadout wisely to get the control back over Olympus, Strom point, and Kings Canyon.
New Arena Map
Apex Legends brings a new arena map named Drop Off, this map was made for the early production of critical systems for Olympus and the site is still in operation but at night Arena fighters can fight under smoggy skies.
Warriors Collection Event
The new Warriors Collection Event included 24 themed limited-time items, new fighter’s legendary skin included “Synthetic Huntress” Ash skin, “Riding dirty” Octane skin, “Jewel Olympus” Horizon Skin, and “Combat Survivalist” Lifeline skin.
In this event, there will be challenges for which you can earn up to 1600 points daily and the challenges refresh daily, you can get badges for completing stretched challenges included in this event.
Crypto’s new Heirloom: The Biwon Blade is here.
Patch Notes
1.G7 scout recoil improvement done and now Burst fire delay reduced 45>35 and ammo reserves increased 120>140.
2. Turbocharger removed from purple tier to gold tier.
3. Several Bug fixes to help and improve stability.
You can read the full patch note from –
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