As per Esper, Google is supposedly working on an Android 13 feature device that could potentially be a game-changer for those who use two SIM cards on a single device. In addition to this, it could also leave some extra space for smartphone makers to use.
Via the feature known as Multiple Enabled Profiles or MEP, Google wants to assign two carrier profiles to a single eSIM and easily switch between networks. Google is reportedly basing the new feature on a patent filed in 2020.
As per the patent, there is a splitting of the existing SIM interface into two digital connections. There have been multiple reports in the past indicating that Google is testing it on an engineering Pixel hardware.
This could allow manufacturers to get rid of the SIM card slot altogether and make room for additional hardware. We could see the resurgence of microSD cards or even bigger batteries as well.
Although the source believes that this feature will debut with Android 13 OS, it is not restricted to only Android, it can be implemented on iOS and Windows devices as well.
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