Android 12’s first beta revealed many customer-facing changes, which the next major version update of Google’s mobile OS will be bringing to the table. However, amongst all the revealed changes, one of the most controversial visual updates in Android 12 is the ripple effect when tapping.
After the beta release, the developers got some valuable feedback from the testers and are committed to improving it over the coming releases. For example, after installing the first beta update, customers noticed an animation after tapping on any button; however, many believed it to be a graphical bug.
Some customers reported that the radiating sparkles look more like noise artefacts than an intended effect. Some customers even started believing that their display had developed some fault after installing the new OS.
Later, Google authorities explain that the change in the graphical animation was intentional and that it’s “part of the new visual language of Android 12” and Material You. But, according to sources, people were quick to file the issue on the Android 12 issue tracker. And there are 169 duplicates outside of the main thread, which 263 people have started.
However, after a day the big was reported, the team of developers behind the OS acknowledged the problem and said they would “update this issue with more information as it becomes available.”
On June 3, Google gave its official response:
Thanks a ton for the feedback – you’ll be seeing continued updates in Beta 2, 3, and onwards to make the ripple more subtle and less distracting/glitch-feeling.
Since the effect seems to have been fixed, it would be interesting to see what new changes will the company bring this time to the latest Android 12 Beta 2 update.