In India, Amazfit GTR 2 is already listed on Flipkart and pre-book is open on the official website. Now, it seems the smartwatch specialist has plans to drop two new items for the Indian market. The first one is obviously the GTR 2 and the second one is Amazfit GTS 2. Though it’s already available globally, were not launched in India. You had planned to buy this, get ready to order.
There are three colors – Desert Gold, Urban Gray, and Midnight Black. Though the company didn’t declare the Indian pricing, comparing with the global one, we can predict the pricing could be around INR 15,000. As the product is already listed, it confirms the launch is not too far from now.
The second-generation Amazfit GTS is coming with a 1.65-inch AMOLED 3D bezel-less display. The capability of measuring multiple physical states, including blood oxygen level, heart rate, sleep quality, and stress, are built-in. If you are a sports enthusiast, 12 different models are added through which you can track your activities in real-time. Other than all these, the GTS 2 has notification and call management, offline voice assistant support, 3GB of internal storage, up to 5 ATM waterproofing, watch-face customizability, and more. The 246mAh battery helps the watch to run for up to 7 days.
As the launch date is still unknown, you can set a reminder for that on Amazon through the link given below.
Update: 18th December
The pricing and launch date is announced now, here’s the details. (Click Here)