POCO X7 series should be launched in India soon, as it has received multiple certifications hinting at its arrival. Already, the POCO X7 has appeared in the BIS certification website confirming that the device is expected to enter the Indian market. Even the new Redmi Note 14 series does not have the latest HyperOS 2.0, but the POCO X7 Pro will be the first Xiaomi phone to launch with the latest software available. The full design alongside color options of the POCO X7 and X7 Pro have been leaked via tipster Sudhanshu ahead of the official launch.
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POCO X7, X7 Pro Design, Colours, and Memory Options Leaked Ahead of India Launch
The POCO X7 will be available in two memory configurations: 8+256GB and 12+512GB. On the other hand, the POCO X7 Pro will offer a broader selection of memory options, including 8+256GB, 12+256GB, and 12+512GB. The design of the POCO X7 has been significantly revamped compared to its predecessor, the POCO X6. The rear design now includes a squircle camera module similar to that seen on the Redmi Note 14 Pro series.
The device will have three color options — Black, Green, and Silver, which include a Yellow-colored ring around the camera module and a pair of long lines on the sides on the Black version. The POCO X7 Pro features a more understated vertical-aligned camera module compared with the layout on the X6 Pro. This will also be offered in three colors: Black, Green, and a dual-tone Yellow and Black variant. The POCO X7 and X7 Pro have already crossed multiple certification websites, including Geekbench and TDRA, solidifying their imminent arrival in India.
Apart from the X7 series, it is hinted that a POCO X7 Neo will also be introduced, which was recently seen on Geekbench. And while the X7 Neo is mentioned, it is uncertain if it will arrive with the other models. And one more thing—along with success, POCO is planning to launch POCO M7 Pro 5G and C75 5G in India on the 17th of December thus providing an eventful end to the year.
What are the memory options for POCO X7 and X7 Pro?
The POCO X7 will come in 8+256GB and 12+512GB options, while the X7 Pro will offer 8+256GB, 12+256GB, and 12+512GB.
When will the POCO X7 series launch in India?
While an official launch date is not confirmed, the POCO X7 series has been spotted on multiple certification sites, suggesting a launch is imminent.