As per the reports, Xiaomi is about to launch the Mi 11 smartphone in the upcoming days. The most important thing is, this phone will be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 SoC chipset. This will be the first-ever Chinese smartphone to feature SD 875 processor. Samsung Galaxy S21 series will be the first to feature this SD 875 chipset globally. This Mi 11 has also appeared on the Geekbench website.
According to the Geekbench 5 results, we can see that the Xiaomi Mi 11 is powered by the 5nm Snapdragon 875 (as hinted at by none other than Xiaomi executive Lu Weibing). The upcoming Xiaomi Mi 11 has managed to score 1,102 points in the single-core benchmark and 4,113 points in the multi-core test.
If we compare it to the Geekbench 5 scores of the Xiaomi Mi 10, then we’ll definitely witness a greater performance in the Mi 11. The Xiaomi Mi 10 managed to score 910 points in the single-core benchmark and 3,309 points in the multi-core test.
Looking at the scores of Mi 11 and Mi 10 we can clearly see that the difference has happened for the 5 nm Snapdragon 875 chipset of Mi 11. In the case of Mi 10, it is powered by a Snapdragon 865 chipset which is the predecessor of SD 875.
This leaves a difference of +21.1% between the Xiaomi Mi 11 and Mi 10 in single-core performance. Apart from it, the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 11 will also feature an under-display selfie camera which is like a cherry on the cake. This phone is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2021.