With the release of the upgrade, WhatsApp adopts green as its accent color. Things like buttons and notification badges will therefore now show up in green. On Android, the modification appears much more drastic because the tab bar has been shifted to the bottom of the screen, more closely resembling the iPhone version of the program.
WhatsApp introduces a refreshed design for Android and ios details
Because users requested a “darker dark mode,” WhatsApp claims to have altered the colors of Dark Mode to offer greater contrast and darker tones to “reduce eye strain in low-light environments.” Additionally, redesigned icons and images now have a more rounded and curved style. Additionally, the app now has new chat wallpapers and animations.
Changes in form and color have also been made to icon and button designs, making the interface more aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, some areas of the program have been generously spaced out, which improves reading and navigation in general.
The WhatsApp logo may now be seen in the “Chats” tab, giving users a clear visual clue inside the interface. In addition, the navigation tabs that were formerly at the top of the screen have been moved to the bottom for Android users’ convenience.
The search box has also been moved, positioned at the top of the “Chats” page, improving its exposure and usability for users looking for certain discussions or messages.