A new report in the Times of India says that JioMart is testing milk delivery service in Chennai and Bengaluru. Not only milk, but there are also other essentials like bread and egg too. As per the source, “This is available in select pin codes in the two cities for now.”
Though Jio officially didn’t say anything, the report shouts the company is preparing to expand this service across the country by this Diwali, which is mid-November.
If you are thinking JioMart is the first one to deliver Milk, then you are wrong. Swiggy’s Super Daily, BigBasket’s BB Daily, and MilkBasket are already there in the field.
JioMart gets more than 2,50,000 orders each day. On top of that, accessibility through its website, WhatsApp, and also the application in both Android and iOS are very much suitable for a good start.
Lastly, JioMart provides a 5% discount on the maximum retail price for all products it sells. It remains to be seen whether this discount will also apply to milk or not.
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