Noise has already listed the ColorFit Pro 4 Alpha smartwatch on the Amazon India page which is coming on 28th December at Rs.3,799. However, the brand is also getting ready with a new TWS to launch, called Noise Buds Connect. This new wireless earphone is also listed on the same e-commerce platform.
Product Page:
Other than the glimpse of the Noise Buds Connect, the brand has revealed nothing. What we can confirm is the buds will be a bit smaller in size, fully plastic built as usual, and the charging case has a LED indicator in front.
Though Noise showed only one colour in the Amazon India listing, can expect there will be more options as well. We need to wait for some more time to get the official confirmation, not only about the colour options but also the features the Noise Buds Connect going to offer.
You can set the launch reminder as of now from the Amazon India page, link is given below.