Recently, AMD launched the Ryzen 3000XT processors globally with an availability date of 7th July. These are Matisse refreshed CPUs with some minor improvements over last-gen, enough to challenge the new 10th Gen Intel Comet Lake-S desktop CPUs, the best part being these CPUs are priced of the same price as its predecessors.
The new AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT is a 6 core, 12 threaded CPU with 3.8 GHz base and 4.5 GHz boost clock speeds with 35 MB cache that is priced at $249 and consumes 95 Watt TDP. Not a huge improvement on paper when compared to the 3600X but it seems the new Matisse refresh CPU is enough to challenge the much-hyped Intel Core i5-10600K.
Thanks again to the reliable tipster @_rogame who has dug this new CPU running at 4.6 GHz in 3DMark being paired on an MSI B550M Mortar motherboard and coupled with 16 GB G.SKILL DDR4 RAM clocked at 3,600 MHz. For storage, 250 GB Samsung 960 EVO SSD is used running on Windows 10.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT’s closest competitor is the Intel Core i5-10600K with 6 cores, 12 threads, 4.1 GHz base clock speed along with 4.5 GHz all-core turbo and 4.8 GHz max single-core frequency. It has a higher TDP of 125 W and should retail at $262. So, obviously, its higher clock speeds will have an advantage over AMD and for that high single-core speed you have to keep your CPU cool but, undoubtedly, will help for gaming.
The main thing to notice will be how much the Ryzen 5 3600XT can be pushed with its in-box cooler and when third party cooler, which you do have to buy for the Intel CPU. These new Ryzen 3000 CPUs have a good record when it comes to overclocking so, it can be a tight game between the two honestly.
Also, Intel’s inflated price of the Core i5-10600K might help AMD if the Ryzen 5 3600XT is available at its MSRP of $249, well, until global availability the fight between these two CPUs will be an interesting thing to watch for. We will keep you posted with more leaks and benchmarks, as always.
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