Blowing with the flow of other smart TV makers Realme, Vu, OnePlus, TCL also bringing its new 8K smart TV lineup to India. They scheduled the event on 18th June at 12.30 PM. Though the company opened the pre-booking along with chances to win some prizes.
As per the official website, the model number of this new TV range will be X915, which was introduced in the CES 2020. The teaser shows, the QULED TVs will have 8K resolution.
This is most probably the first 8K smart TV that equipped with a pop-up camera. It’s one of the key features that will provide it strength in the market. There is a physical shutter to close the camera while not at work.
The display, in it, is of Quantum Dot Technology along with the support for Dolby Vision HDR and Local Dimming. A separate soundbar by Onkyo is added with the TV. The soundbar has the support for IMAX Enhanced. It “combines digitally remastered 4K HDR content and DTS audio technologies with best-in-class consumer electronics products and streaming platforms.”
The X915 model by TCL has two variants. The screen sizes are 65 inches and 75 inches. Now, we need to wait till 18th June to know if both the variants are coming in our country on not.
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