Motorola launched its latest budget device, the Moto G42 in India. The smartphone is the latest iteration of the brand’s push to make more affordable devices and it retails for Rs. 13,999. The smartphones will be available in a Metallic Rose and Atlantic Green color via Flipkart. Let us take a detailed look at the specifications of the device:
Motorola Moto G42 detailed specs:
The smartphone arrives with a 6.47″ Full HD+ display and is powered by the Snapdragon 680 chipset, it runs on Android 12 OS out of the box, and it is available in a single 64GB storage version with 4GB RAM.
It has a stereo speaker setup along with Dolby Atmos technology and two speakers that offer a clear sound output with improved bass and sharp vocals. In terms of optics, we see a triple camera setup on the rear with a 50MP primary lens, an 8MP ultrawide lens, and a macro lens. On the front, it has a 16MP selfie shooter.
In terms of features available, the camera has up to 4X low light sensitivity and a dedicated macro vision camera that allows the user to efficiently capture the minute details of the object. The selfie camera can capture high-quality pictures. In terms of battery life, the G42 has a 5,000mAh Lithium polymer battery with support for 20W charging.
The brand has promised to offer 1 OS update and up to 3 years of security updates.
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