Akshay Kumar comes with a new emotional drama film, ‘Raksha Bandhan’. The new trailer of the film has been released. This is the first time we will see Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar for the first time. The three-minute-long trailer reveals Akshay looking for grooms to marry off his four sisters.
In this new film, Akshay Kumar plays the role of a businessman who has an eatery. We will see Bhumi the female lead who has seen to be asking him about their wedding when he finds out a suitable man for his sisters.
We have Akshay is literally facing a struggle and trying to maintain the balance between his work and taking care of his sisters. This social comedy depicts the bad side of society that’s dowry system, however, Akshay is giving his best to collect the fund for the wedding of his sisters. The film contains many funny scenes as Akshay is asking for discounts on weddings from the marriage bureau.
For a brother, the responsibility of a sister’s wedding is seriously a huge one, with this, the father of Bhumi starts to pressure him to tie the knot with his beloved daughter. After becoming frustrated Akshay desire to marry one of his sisters to a scrap dealer. The new trailer concludes with Akshay who becomes able to marry off one of his sisters. Akshay has got himself in difficult circumstances as he might be lost his girlfriend forever.
In the end, Akshay is exposing his sister that he has mortgaged his shop. While she asks about the money needed for the wedding of the remaining three other sisters, Akshay just laughs and tells that he will vend one of his kidneys. In one scene, Akshay is crying by folding his hands.
Raksha Bandhan: Cast
Raksha Bandhan has been directed by Aanand L Rai and made by Zee Studios, Color Yellow Productions, and Cape of Good Films. The movie also features Abhinay Raj Singh, Sahejmeen Kaur, Deepika Khanna, Sadia Khateeb, and Smriti Srikanth in prominent roles.
Raksha Bandhan: Release Date
At first, the film was set for a worldwide movie to hit on 5th November 2021. After several delays due to a pandemic situation, the film was just postponed and set to release on 11th August 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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