On Thursday, some Airtel users in India reported experiencing Internet and signal outages. The corporation claims, however, that the services have been restored. The outage was reported in places such as Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, and Guwahati, according to the outage-tracking website DownDetector.
Several people resorted to Twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the Airtel outage. In their tweets, the Twitterati mentioned Airtel services and Airtel India and requested a rapid repair to the problem. They complained of no network, being unable to connect to mobile internet, and even having issues with landline internet.
According to DownDetector.com, the outage, which happened after 4 p.m. on Thursday, resulted in over 3,500 complaints on the Airtel website in a short period of time.
Airtel reported that the services were only down for 15 minutes and have since been restored
This is Airtel’s second big outage in as many months. An Airtel blackout occurred in March across places including as Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Kolkata, and Guwahati. In other news, Airtel’s ARPU, a crucial performance parameter for carriers, increased to Rs 178 in the March quarter from Rs 163 in the previous quarter.
Analysts predict that the telco’s revenue market share (RMS) would increase to 37 percent by FY24, up from 35.4 percent in the previous quarter.
“Airtel’s domestic wireless business ARPU will improve to ₹250 over the next 4-5 years, which will generate high incremental Ebitda margins and free cash flow to support future investments,” Morgan Stanley said in a note seen by ET. It added that Airtel gained subscriber market share across circles even after maintaining its price premium over Jio-currently at 3-25%. It expects the trend to continue, noting that “Airtel’s price premium over Jio is currently being maintained at 13% in the 4G smartphones daily segment after the last price hike in December 2021”
According to analysts, the phenomenon is represented in the subscriber market share gap between Airtel and Jio shrinking to 3.8 percent in the March quarter from as high as 6% in the quarter to September of FY22.
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