Oppo launched the K10 4G variant in India in March, this device was powered by the Snapdragon 680 chipset, and now the 5G supported version of the country will be launching on the 8th of June. The newest iteration of the K10 will not be the same that we saw the launch in China, usually, the 4G and the 5G version feature the same design but the only point of difference is the chip powering the phone and the connectivity options.
Oppo K10 5G detailed specifications:
The latest 5G device that is set to launch on the 8th of June or the next Wednesday will arrive with a flat design and have a waterdrop display instead of a punch-hole display. It has two LED camera modules that are integrated into the rectangular camera island, it has a dual-camera setup as opposed to the triple camera setup we saw on the K10 5G iteration in China.
The Indian variant’s official spec sheet has not yet been revealed but we can expect it to be powered by a premium 5G supporting chipset, as per the official presser, the phone will have the signature “Oppo Glow Design” and have a fingerprint/scratch-resistant back panel.
The K10 5G will be the “slimmest 5G smartphone in the given segment and offer a premium and immersive audio-visual experience with support for lightning-fast charging experience along with a massive, long-lasting battery,” as per the brand.
The phone will go for sale via Flipkart, Oppo.in, and other retail outlets across the country. The pricing of the device is still in the dark, we will have to wait for more details until we get the entire spec sheet of the Oppo K10 5G.
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