The latest leak reveals some interesting information with respect to the next generation of flagship smartphones from Vivo. The company intends to break past the 200W fast charging mark. The news comes from a noted tipster Digital Chat Station on Weibo. The Chinese smartphone maker initially was believed to offer 100W fast charging on the next flagship smartphone.
Vivo’s upcoming flagship will offer 200W fast charging
The tipster added that the upcoming premium device will support 20V/10A charging, it has a maximum output of 200W charging. The entire lineup is compatible with 120W backward charging, 80W charging, and 66W charging rates.
In addition to this, the blogger has also suggested that the battery capacity of this new flagship Vivo smartphone will arrive with a larger 4,000mAh battery. For now, this is all the information the tipster shared for now. The name of this premium-grade smartphone is also not clear for now.
In simpler words, it is unknown which Series exactly it will be a part of, do not worry as we will keep you updated as and when more updates surface!
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