Realme Pad 5G is likely to launch very soon, as per a new leak, the latest tablet is likely to release in two versions. Both feature Snapdragon 8-Series chips. As per tipster Digital Chat Station, the Realme Pad 5G will launch very shortly and the prototype of this tablet is powered by two different chips.
Realme Pad 5G rumored specifications:
The first version of the device is powered by the Snapdragon 870 chip and it has an LCD screen with a 2.5K resolution. It packs an 8,360mAh battery but did not share any details with respect to the fast charging capabilities of the device. The tablet will arrive with support for a stylus as well.
The tipster added that the other prototype of the Realme Pad 5G is likely to be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ chip that is yet to go official. The chip will in all likelihood debut in H2 of 2022.
There is no information with respect to other specifications of this tablet. The Realme Pad 5G could debut in the Chinese market with the name Realme Pad 5G Master Explorer Edition nametag.
Realme ventured into the tablet division last year with its Realme Pad, which only supported 4G. In April, the company announced the Pad Mini in some markets such as the Philippines and India. Since Realme VP, Madhav Sheth confirmed the arrival of the Pad 5G. This tablet is likely to be available in multiple markets.
The device appears to launch very soon and we are excited to see what it has to offer!
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