Noise refreshed its ColorFit Ultra smartwatch series a few days back with the Noise ColorFit Ultra Buzz. It costs Rs.5,999, however, with the launch offer Noise is providing this new smartwatch at just Rs.3,499. There are three colour options available – Charcoal Black, Champagne Grey, and Olive Green. This ColorFit Ultra Buzz smartwatch is an Amazon Special product. So, you can purchase it only from Amazon India, apart from Noise’s official website. The sale starts today at 12-noon sharp. The buy link is given below.
Noise ColorFit Ultra Buzz Features
Along with the sale date and pricing, Noise has revealed the features as well. The Bluetooth Calling feature, which I already mentioned, is one of the key features of this ColorFir Ultra Buzz. This means we can pick an incoming call, cut that, or even can reject it as well. Hopefully, there will be the dialer and recent call logs as well. All these are possible directly from the 1.75-inch display on the wrist with just a single touch.
The Noise Productivity Suite allows the user to keep track of the stocks along with the world clock, and other notifications. Features like Quick Reply and Smart DND are also enabled within this new wearable.
To track the health status there is Noise’s Health Suite which packs the SpO2 Monitoring, Stress Monitoring, Sleep Monitoring, 24/7 Heart Rate Monitoring, and female cycle tracking. These are not all, 100 individual sports modes will be available to explore on the wrist screen.
In the end, the Noise ColorFit Ultra Buzz also provides 100+ watch faces, reminder alerts, alarms, stopwatch, music control, camera control, and more.
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