Realme has launched the Realme C31 in India earlier today, it is a budget entry-level smartphone similar to its counterparts in the C-Series. Let us take a look at the specs of the Realme C31.
The Realme C31 has launched with a Unisoc T612 chip with Android 11-based Realme UI. The device has a 6.5″ display, an HD+ screen, and features a 5,000mAh battery with support for 10W charging.
It has a micro-USB port. The Realme C31`features a 5MP selfie shooter and it has a 13MP primary sensor on the rear with a 2MP macro shooter along with a monochrome sensor.
The Realme C31 features a dedicated microSD card slot via which you can expand it up to 1TB and it has a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication. The Realme C31 will be available from the 6th of April from 12 PM.
The smartphone will be available on, Flipkart, and other prominent retailers. The Realme C31 has been priced at 8,999 INR for the 3GB+32GB version. The 4GB+64GB version is priced at 9,999 INR.
The Realme C31 is available in Light Silver and Dark Green colors.
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