Redmi India is teasing to launch another new smartwatch after it is successfully penetrating the Indian wearable market with its affordable pricing. It has teased a new Redmi Watch 2 Lite that will be a budget variant of the originally launched Redmi Watch 2 it launched in China.
Considering this to be a “Lite” variant, we suspect this watch to be more affordable in line with the Rs.3-4k price segment to reach the masses. The feature of GPS seems to be highlighted as Redmi calls this watch to be the Redmi Watch 2 Lite GPS, confirming the feature which is already present on the original Redmi Watch 2.
Going by the global specs, the upcoming Redmi Watch 2 Lite will sport a 1.55-inch (320×360 pixels) TFT display and will have Bluetooth 5.0 as expected. Much like other modern smartwatches, Redmi will offer over 100 watch faces and over 100 workout modes.
Much expectedly, it will be 5ATM water-resistant, support both SpO2 and heart rate monitoring, rest features are suspected to be same as others like tracking menstrual cycle or sleep monitoring and others. Well, you won’t have to wait much longer as Redmi India promises to launch this new affordable Redmi Watch 2 Lite on March 9th 2022.