According to the latest claim, an Apple iPad with an OLED panel could still be in the works if certain conditions are met. Samsung is said to be building a plant with cutting-edge technology to mass-produce the high-quality displays required by Apple, but it will only work with the California-based company if it is granted a large enough order.
We previously discussed Apple’s desire for a double-stack OLED panel arrangement in its iPad lineup. When compared to a single-stack display, this one doubles the brightness and extends the panel’s life by four times. Unfortunately, due to a lack of profitability, Samsung had not begun research work on this technology, and it was not willing to accept a few orders from Apple as a one-time deal.
Because iPads are held longer than iPhones, it would be a time before Apple placed another order with Samsung, implying that the two companies had a falling out, according to the earlier story. Fortunately, The Elec currently reports that Apple and Samsung are putting their differences aside, with Samsung reportedly agreeing to develop the display if Apple places a large enough order with the firm.
Samsung will be able to finalize its expenditure plans in the second quarter of 2022 and order the necessary equipment in the third quarter if both businesses agree. This equipment is projected to arrive in 2023, and based on the current pace, Samsung may be able to supply Apple with advanced OLED panels for use in an iPad line in 2024.
According to the source, Samsung is working to develop its Gen 8.5 IT OLED panels so that it can offer such powerful displays at the pricing point that Apple desires. Unfortunately, large production will require Apple’s consent as well as new machinery. The Korean giant’s Gen 5.5 and Gen 6 chips can also create those panels, but they’re too expensive, and Apple won’t like the quotation.
If Apple and Samsung are unable to reach an agreement this time, the former can always turn to Chinese display manufacturer BOE, which was recently believed to be upgrading its manufacturing facility to begin mass-producing OLED panels up to 15 inches.
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