Recently, Yash Raj films have dropped the teaser of the film The Railway Men. It is mainly a 2022 web series. This series will be featuring R. Madhavan, KK Menon, Divyendu, and Babil Khan in the main role. It is mainly an announcement teaser of the series.
The filmmakers have said that this film will launch on 2nd December 2021 next year. It revolves around the Bhopal gas leak tragedy that has been happened on the 2nd December 1984. It is mainly the announcement teaser and it is seriously very exciting.
The Railway Men: Details
It seems that the announcement teaser of ‘The Railway Men’ Is also about 50 seconds. The trailer starts with very deep darkness. In the teaser, we have heard a sound of a company siren that is also coming from the background that people are breathing strongly. Now the sounds of the breath have started to crumble.
After all of it has played a piece of music After we have seen the looks of R. Madhavan, KK Menon, Divyendu, and Babil Khan have appeared. The f our people are wearing clothes over their mouths and they have just given a look of surprise through their eyes.
At the ending of the teaser of “The Railway Men”. Says there is a train that is seriously running very faster leaving smoke. In this series, we will manly see the untold story of Bhopal 1984. The director is Shiv Rawail.
KK Menon also has shared the poster of the movie. In this, the looks of the four actors are also being seen in the poster. After sharing the poster, KK Menon wrote, ” Salute to the people who saved many lives 37 years ago today. Yash Raj Films, and is the biggest OTT project. This series is mainly a tribute to the unknown hero of Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
After sharing the poster of The Railway Man, R Madhavan wrote, “some stories need to be told. Proud to be associated with Yash Raj Films’ first big OTT project The Railway Man”. A t that exact time. Divyendu wrote, “ An Untold story of human courage that happened 37 years ago. Proud to be a part of Yash Raj Films first big OTT Project The Railway Men se”.
A big thanks for the source.