The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has finalised an IPL Governing Council (GC) meeting to form a committee and decide on the Ahmedabad franchise issue. The committee is supposed to decide the future of CVC ownership of the Ahmedabad team. Earlier the franchise was questionable due to alleged investment in betting companies. This matter can lead to player retention deadline being extended but at this moment there is no confirmation about it.
Last month, the International investment firm Irelia Company Pte Ltd which is an arm of CVC Capital Partners, successfully bid for the Ahmedabad franchise for a whooping amount of Rs 5625 crore last month.
BCCI in his statement said
‘The board doesn’t want to leave anything to chance and want to be completely sure before giving the team to CVC. This is the reason the IPL GC has been called and they will form a independent panel comprising of some of the most well respect legal luminaries in the country.’
An IPL governing council (GC) meeting has been called to take place before the Board’s AGM on December 4 and clear out this issue. The panel’s decision on that day will be considered as the last decision.
The 8 franchises are on the process of finalizing the players they want to retain and it will end by Tuesday. The deadline for two new teams (Lucknow and Ahmedabad ) to finalize their top 3 players will start on the same day. With the Ahmedabad issue, there’s a possibility that the dates will get extended. BCCI will be declaring it.
BCCI has given the two new franchises Ahmedabad and Lucknow the same number of days to figure out their top 3 picks but is likely to spare some more days. The formal decision is supposed to be taken on Tuesday itself.
An existing franchise can pick a maximum of 3 Indian players and 1 overseas player for retention.
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