WhatsApp, the instant messaging app by Meta, to stop working for some of the selected smartphones. This process has already started from this Monday. If you have a smartphone not running on at least Android 4.1 or iOS 14, you should worry about it. So, these kind of smartphones are no longer compatible with WhatsApp. Whoever has a smartphone, fulfilling the mentioned criteria, need to back up their WhatsApp chats first and get a new smartphone to keep using WhatsApp.
If you are thinking about KaiOS, there will be access for version 2.5.1 or newer. That means all the JioPhone users can enjoy WhatsApp peacefully. WhatsApp to stop working for the below smartphones.
Apple | Samsung | LG | ZTE | Huawei |
Apple iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus | Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite, Galaxy Trend II, Galaxy SII, Galaxy S3 mini, Galaxy Xcover 2, Galaxy Core, Galaxy Ace 2. | LG Lucid 2, Optimus F7, Optimus F5, Optimus L3 II Dual, Optimus F5, Optimus L5, Optimus L5 II, Optimus L5 Dual, Optimus L3 II, Optimus L7, Optimus L7 II Dual, Optimus L7 II, Optimus F6, Enact, Optimus L4 II Dual, Optimus F3, Optimus L4 II, Optimus L2 II, Optimus Nitro HD and 4X HD, Optimus F3Q | ZTE Grand S Flex, ZTE V956, Grand X Quad V987, Grand Memo | Huawei Ascend G740, Ascend Mate, Ascend D Quad XL, Ascend D1 Quad XL, Ascend P1 S, Ascend D2. |