Xiaomi India launches its new smartwatch Mi Watch Revolve Active along with the new Mi 11 Lite a couple of days back. Among these two products the smartphone comes on pre-booking today and the smartwatch for sale. The Mi Watch Revolve Active sale is live now via Amazon India and Mi.com. It actually costs Rs.9,999. But in the first sale, you can get it at Rs.8,999. On top, you can avail of up to Rs.750 additional discount with HDFC cards. You can check out the link below to purchase yours.
Amazon India: https://amzn.to/3vVwkar
The Mi Watch Revolve Active is an upcoming smartwatch from Mi. As per the looks, it offers a round-shaped dial instead of a squared one having a 1.39-inch AMOLED panel. For your convenience, you can change the watch faces whenever you want as it supports over 100 Watch Faces. In terms of battery, this smartwatch from Mi is fueled up by a battery that supports a 16 days long battery life.
Like any other smartwatch in the market, it also has different sports modes, the number is 117. Apart from sports modes, this device has some really important health monitoring features, such as Heart Rate, Blood Oxygen, Sleep tracking, Stress, Body Energy, monitor VO2 Max, Breathing exercise, and more.
The Mi Revolve Active also has the support for Always On Display (AOD) and Built-in GPS. It is water-resistant as well up to 5ATM and weighs around 32 grams.