Realme 8 5G was launched recently by the Chinese company, Realme, and it is proving to be one of the very attractive smartphones in the Indian market. Vice President of Realme and CEO of Realme India and Europe, Mr.Madhav Sheth, spoke with GSMARENA and shared his thoughts.
He put forward his wish to make Realme a 5G leader in India. He also insisted that the future smartphones will run by 5G and this technology will rule the market. Thus, he aims to democratize 5G to the masses with Realme. He stated that it is very important to leave the best possible options to consumers and let them pick.
The telecom companies and the government is working together. They both understand the need for the 5G network and how strongly it can affect the nation in positive ways. He expects the rollout of the 5G network to be as soon as next year. Madhav also talked about the Real Upgrade Program which helps users to update to the latest Realme 5G phones in the program with only 70% of the price.
Saying about the secondary camera lens at the back, he pointed that users still want macro and depth sensors. Thus, they will continue to offer those to them and simultaneously work to improve their primary sensor which has always been in demand.
On the question about Realme stepping in with more products in the laptop and desktop segment, Madhav said, “Meeting the technology needs of a large number of populace, who are working and studying from home, with differentiated products is going to be a key requirement for brands and we have several exciting developments lined up. Stay tuned!”
Realme is highly bullish about its future. 2020 has helped them to grow as a Disruptor from a Challenger brand according to him and he believes 2021 can prove to be even better. The company has high expectations and targets as they want to be in the top 3 Smartphone brand and the No.1 Online smartphone brand. They want to achieve a sales target of 25-30 million in CY2021.