AMD launched the Ryzen 5000 series processors last year, but their demand and popularity remain fresh as ever. Making some bold moves to improve its single-core performance has paved off well for AMD as its processors are great for gaming and sometimes a lot better than Intel’s newer Rocket Lake-S CPUs.
The best part of Zen 3 is the performance doesn’t come at the cost of thermals as these AMD chips are far more efficient than Intel ones. So, naturally, even if users have to pay more, you get more cores consuming lower TDPs and amazing gaming performance.
So, you can now understand why AMD by announcing only 4 commercial CPUs of the entire Ryzen 5000 series is already making gamers mad at them. Also, in the midst of global chip shortage, AMD is facing difficulty in keeping up with the demands especially the situation of the Ryzen 9 5900X and Ryzen 9 5950X is very challenging.
However, you will be glad to know by the title that, indeed, the 12-core AMD Ryzen 9 5900X prevails to be the best-selling processor in the US market on Amazon. Now, you would think that’s because the prices are good, that’s why, no, it’s not; the Ryzen 9 5900X’s original cost is $549, but it is sold at $800, however people are buying more than ever!
As you see in the top 8 CPUs on Amazon, four of them are the new AMD Ryzen 5000 series processors, and that says it all about AMD’s insane demand. The situation is also similar in the Ryzen 9 5950X, whose original price is $749 but is sold at over $1100, and still, people are buying them over Intel’s newer Rocket Lake CPUs.
Contrary to this, both the Ryzen 5 5600X and Ryzen 7 5800X are available at their launch price, and people are happy buying them. But, AMD has to bring the successor to its popular Ryzen 5 3600 anytime soon and other budget CPUs to give gamers more affordable Zen 3 options.
Confused which new AMD Ryzen CPU to buy? Here are our reviews you should check out:
- AMD Ryzen 9 5950X review: The absolute champion!
- AMD Ryzen 9 5900X review: The Best Gaming CPU in the market
- AMD Ryzen 7 5800X review: Fastest 8 core AMD Gaming CPU but at a cost
- AMD Ryzen 5 5600X performance review: Fastest 6 core CPU in the market
Buy the new AMD processors: