Realme Support India had already revealed that the company is coming soon with the Realme 8 5G and Realme 8 Pro 5G smartphones. Last month the company had launched both the smartphones in 4G version. Along with this during the last launch event in India, the company had hinted at the launch of some new 5G smartphones in the coming months.
Now the Realme 8 5G has been spotted in the Peruvian MTC certification. The basics of an MTC certification for Peru are the requirements for an FCC certification. This certainly means that the series is coming equipped with 5G sooner than ever. This explains a lot of things and we can also see the above image of the phone. The phone that is said to be Realme 8 5G seems pretty similar to the 4G version that was launched in India last month.
The smartphone is shown in silver colour and the quad-camera setup at the back. It also has the DARE TO LEAP slogan at the back of it. The upcoming smartphone is the Realme RMX3241 smartphone that was recently certification by regulatory bodies like India’s BIS, Thailand’s NTBC, and the FCC in the U.S. recently.
Some reports claim that Realme 8 5G will be the rebranded version of the Realme V13 5G that was launched a few days back in China. The Realme 8 series is unique to the Indian market so it is nearly possible that the company will consider launching an already mass-produced device to launch in another market with a rebranded name.
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