Qualcomm will announce the successor to its popular Snapdragon 700 series of SoCs after launching the Snapdragon 765G last year. In recent days, Qualcomm has been dominated by MediaTek with its efficient and cost-effective Dimensity chips with 5G support.
So, this time around, Qualcomm has to get its next mid-range chipset perfect to challenge MediaTek, who has wide range of such chips. The upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 775 specs have been leaked by Telegram channel XiaomiUI.
As reported by XDA Developers, Qualcomm is working on the SM7350 platform that could eventually be marketed as the Snapdragon 775. However, the specs are reported to be from an earlier revision that is out of date, so should be taken with a pinch of salt:
The first thing that will amaze you is the 5nm process, and Samsung could manufacture it while the core configuration may end up getting the new Kryo 6-series CPU core setup. As reported by XDA Developers, the Snapdragon 775 could feature LPDDR5 RAM @ 3200 MHz or LPDDR4X RAM @ 2400 MHz RAM, along with up to UFS 3.1 storage.
On the camera front, the Spectra 570 ISP on the Snapdragon 775 could support up to three 28MP cameras simultaneously and finally bring support to recording at 4K 60fps. The new mid-range chip centers around LTE Cat 18 and will obviously support mmWave 5G alongside VoNR, NR CA, SA, and NSA support.
Whereas, for connectivity, you have 802.11ax Wi-Fi support, Wi-Fi 6E, 2×2 MIMO, and 256 QAM. On the other hand, the Snapdragon 775 SoC will also support the WCD9380 and WCD9385 audio chips. As pointed out by XDA Developers, these are still rumors as there’s the solidity that it will be named Snapdragon 775, but the successor to Snapdragon 765G is in the works gets proved.
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