OnePlus 8 series is scheduled in the middle of April month. The lineup will feature the OnePlus 8, OnePlus 8 Pro and OnePlus 8 Lite according to some insider info. The OnePlus 8 Pro was spotted a few days back in the hands of the brand ambassador Robert Downey Jr. From the images shared by the actor, we can have a confirmed design of the Pro version of the series.
OnePlus 8, One Plus 8 pro, One Plus 8 Lite
According to some trusted sources, the OnePlus 8 Lite will the first smartphone from the company to feature a non-Snapdragon chipset. The device is said to run on a MediaTek chipset which can affect the cost of the device. But as the company will not compromise in everything in a budget-friendly device we can expect something exciting from this variant.
If we go according to the sources the top devices in the OnePlus 8 series will consist of three phones with a Lite version making its way alongside the standard and Pro models. The higher tier versions are expected to arrive with the Snapdragon 865 processor, new 120Hz refresh rate displays, top-of-the-line charging technology, and 5G connectivity.
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