Just after introducing Instagram Reels, the social networking giant Facebook spotted testing the new ‘Short Videos’ feature inside its application. At the same time, all most, Zee TV’s video streaming application Zee5 introduced its new short video making service. It’s available as a part of the companies existing app, but only in the Android version. iPhone users have to wait for a while to get it.
Maximum of its features are the same as other TikTok clones or similar platforms. HiPi also has music tracks, various filters, visual effects, and more. The most famous vertical scrolling along with the like and share is also in it. HiPi allows the content creators to make videos of up to 100 seconds.
As per the Business Head of Expansion Projects and Head of Products at Zee5 Rajneel Kumar the company is working on this service over a year long. He also added, “We (are) story creators and story tellers for decades and that power of storytelling and creation is what we are bringing onto the HiPi platform, which is very unique and different from any other competition in the market, who are primarily all technology companies“.
The most interesting functionality of HiPi is it only allows the creators of age 18 or above.
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