Are you a fan of the EA Sports FIFA franchise? Have you played FUT 21 already? Well, good news there are some rewards for playing FIFA 21 and in the new FIFA 22, you get some bonus packs as a token of appreciation.
Obviously, you have to go to FUT 22 and setup up the team first, which we will take a deep dive article soon, then, you will get these rewards for playing FUT 21:
This includes 1 Player Pick as in a FUT Ambassador Loan:
Here I got the option to pick between Son, Alaba and Foden and I chose Son to use him as the Left Midfield option. Then, you obviously get the FUT 21 Home and Away kit which you can use for your new FUT 22 team if you want to.
Then you get a basic Gold Players FT 80+ RARE player pack that could be a good addition especially you are starting to play FIFA 22. Also, if you want to customize your stadium a bit in FUT 22, you will also get a Stadium Starter Pack and coin upgrade for a match.
For more details stay tuned!