Xiaomi had announced its Mi 11 flagship smartphone a few weeks ago. Now, the company is getting ready to launch the elder sibling of Mi 11, the Mi 11 Pro. Recently, a report has come out regarding the upcoming Mi 11 Pro, saying that this phone will arrive with the support for 120x zoom through its rear camera setup. However, we’ve got a number of rumors previously about this 120x zoom support.
Mi 11 came with a triple rear camera setup whereas for a difference, the Pro variant will feature a quad-rear camera module and it is likely to be a rectangular 2×2 grid designed setup supported by an LED flash. The specifications of the camera sensors are still unknown to us. The front camera is expected to hold the same specifications as the Mi 11.
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Regarding other specifications, the Mi 11 Pro will feature the same 6.81-inch 2K curved display as the Mi 11. It supports a 120Hz refresh rate, 515PPI pixel density, and a peak brightness of 1500nits. Two interesting features are also expected to be there in the Mi 11 Pro: support for MEMC and SDR to HDR conversion.
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Similar to the Mi 11, the Mi 11 Pro will run MIUI based on the Android 11 OS and will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 flagship chipset. As per the RAM and memory configuration, there are expected to be multiple versions of the phone. At about mid-February, after the Spring Festival in China, we can expect to get some more information about the Mi 11 Pro. So, we’re looking forward to it.