After launching the Xiaomi Smart TV X Pro series earlier in February, India is now set to see new TVs belonging to the same family — with a brand-new addition overshooting its offerings. Now it has been announced that the new series will be revealed on August 27, 2024. Sizes include 43-inch, 55-inch and 65-inches.
The All New Xiaomi X Pro QLED TV
The Xiaomi X Pro QLED TVs have an “all-screen design” with ultra-thin bezels, which are meant to offer a low profile and more immersive viewing experience. The show will use 4K MaigiQ tech that allows for better image quality and color, delivering bold colors. It is also expected to optimize audio technology and come with MaqiQ stereo sound that promises a cinematic feel.
The previous Xiaomi Smart TV X Pro series might offer clues on what the new Xiaomi X Pro QLED TV can deliver though specific specifications were not detailed this round. The 2023 X Pro models debuted in the Indian market starting at ₹32,999 for its entry-level 43-inch and also included 50-inch and 55-inch sizes. This is why these provided 4K UHD HDR displays with auto-low latency Mode, Dolby Vision IQ, and HDMI VRR features helped produce those smile-inducing images.
The Xiaomi Smart TV X Pro series came with a quad-core Cortex A55 CPU and Mali G52 MP2 GPU, paired to 2GB of RAM and running 16 GB of internal storage. It ran on the latest PatchWall interface and featured 30W dual speakers with Dolby Audio and DTX support for enhanced audio. Connectivity options included three HDMI 2.1 ports (one e-ARC), two USB 2.0 ports, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
As the launch date for the Xiaomi X Pro QLED TV series approaches, more details about its features and pricing are expected. The new series is anticipated to build on the success of its predecessors, offering advanced technology and an upgraded viewing experience.
When will the Xiaomi X Pro QLED TV series launch in India?
The series will be unveiled on August 27, 2024.
What screen sizes will the Xiaomi X Pro QLED TVs be available in?
The TVs will come in 43-inch, 55-inch, and 65-inch sizes.