Xiaomi unveiled its Pad 5 Series tablets in the Chinese markets earlier last year, these tablets made their way to India recently. The company is already planning to launch the successor to this tablet in China very soon. Going by the latest rumors, the upcoming Xiaomi Pad 6 tab is set to launch in August of 2022 but there is no other information available with respect to the exact launch date and sale date for the device.
Xiaomi Pad 6 expected specifications:
Pad 6 has already entered the testing phase as per Mukul Sharma. It carries model number 22081283G in Europe and is likely to launch towards the end of July or early August. This upcoming tablet was spotted at the EEC certification center along with the model number 22081283G (L83).
There is also another tablet from Redmi that has been spotted with the model number L81A. The Chinese brands are expected to launch nearly four tabs in the market, L81, L81A, L82, and L83. One of these will be a Redmi device while the other three could be different versions of the Pad 6.
In addition to this, the Xiaomi tablet could be powered by a MediaTek chip instead of the Qualcomm chips that have usually been found in its predecessors. Apart from this, not much is known about these tablets. We can expect to get more information as and when we near the launch date.
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