Xiaomi is tipped to be prepping to launch its next-generation Mi smartphones. The company could be gearing up to launch the Xiaomi 11T and Xiaomi 11T Pro. The company is expected to unveil the Smartphones on 15 September at its virtual event. However, they have both received certifications from regulators including the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Aside from the listing, Now a tipster named @_snoopytech_ on Twitter has leaked the renders suggesting the design of both new phones ahead of their formal debut.
Both Xiaomi 11T and Xiaomi 11T Pro have been seen via leaks in Celestial Blue, Meteorite Gray, and Moonlight White colours, and seem to have an identical design.
The renders also suggest that both new phones will come with a hole-punch display design and include vertically-aligned triple rear camera setup. Further, the phones appear to have a side-mounted fingerprint sensor.
In terms of the differences between the two — the Xiaomi 11T is said to have a 64-megapixel primary camera sensor and a MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC, while the Xiaomi 11T Pro is speculated to have a 108-megapixel unit and could be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888. The Xiaomi 11T Pro is also likely to have 120W HyperCharge support that could not be available on the regular Xiaomi 11T model.
However, there are two major differences between the 11T and 11T Pro. As expected, only the latter will utilise Xiaomi Hyper Charge, shortened to ‘HyperCharge’ in the renders below. While the 11T does not support Xiaomi’s 120 W proprietary charging method, it will be capable of charging at up to 67 W.