Apple had launched its smart speaker HomePod in November 2017. The Homepod is nothing but a cylindrical smart speaker from Apple at a price tag of $349. But, after three years, a few days ago, Apple has finally discontinued this product. Probably, it was not that attractive to its customers for its high pricing.
On the other hand, the HomePod Mini, the smaller version of the actual HomePod got launched last year and for its lower price tag, it has received mostly positive reviews. Most of the features are similar but it is available at a more affordable price tag of $99. That’s why it became much acceptable to its buyers.
As of now, you can still buy a HomePod until the stock runs out. So, after running out of stock, you’ll not be able to buy an Apple HomePod. However, if you already have a HomePod, it will still receive software updates and support. There is no report yet from Apple of whether they will make a new series of smart speakers in the future.
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Although, HomePod is not the first thing Apple has discontinued this month. Earlier this month, Apple revealed that the iMac Pro has been discontinued and will not get produced further. In terms of Apple’s desktop computers, those have targeted at professionals and developers with a starting price tag of $4,999. So, it will be interesting to see if, in the future, Apple will come up with some new and improved HomePod series as the successor of the original one.