Instant messaging app WhatsApp has brought in a new feature that allows users to create their own custom stickers within WhatsApp Web. The feature is rolling out for WhatsApp Web currently, and will be shipped to the WhatsApp Desktop app in the coming weeks, the company said. The feature was launched by the Meta-owned instant messaging platform on Wednesday, 24 November. With the new feature, users don’t have to download third-party stickers for WhatsApp and can create stickers using a few simple steps.
The custom Sticker Maker feature is currently only available on WhatsApp Web, but it is expected to be added to the desktop apps in the near future. There’s no word yet on whether it’ll be available on Android or iOS, but it’s a possibility.
The feature is easily accessible and one will find it in the sticker section of the platform. One just needs to open any WhatsApp chat, click on the paperclip icon, and then click again on the “Sticker.” You can then upload a photo to create your custom sticker. WhatsApp lets you add an outline, crop the photo into a sticker and add emojis, stickers or text to it.
Alternatively, you can also click on the emoji icon on any WhatsApp chat and then go to the Sticker section. Here, you will see a “Create” option, using which you will be able to create customised stickers.
As of now, this feature is not available for the mobile version and the messaging service has also not confirmed whether the feature will be made available for the mobile users.
WhatsApp has been working to improve its user experience for some time, and in the last few months alone, it has added a number of new features. New security features such as Flash Calls and Message Level Reporting, as well as the ability to hide ‘Last Seen’ from specific contacts and even the ability to use WhatsApp on multiple devices without a smartphone connection, are among them.