WhatsApp has introduced a Multiple Playback Speed feature for the audio files a couple of days earlier. This feature is currently restricted to Beta users and also can take time to reach all the Beta users. But, as usual, it’s not the only feature WhatsApp is working on. WABetaInfo, the WhatsApp activity tracking site reveals that the messaging app developers are testing some improvements for the existing Disappearing Messages feature.
Currently, WhatsApp allows enabling the Disappearing Messages feature with a time limit of 7 days. To improve, developers are testing to add a 24-hour time limit as well. As you can see in the below screenshot, post the release of this update, there will be three options – 24 Hours, 7 Days, and Off. In case you don’t know about the Disappearing Messages feature, click here. The improvement will be rolled out for all the platforms i.e. iOS, Android, and Web.
Other than the Multiple Playback Speed feature for audio files and Disappearing Messages feature, WhatsApp is in works with the Self-Destructive Media feature too. Though it’s not a new info, there is an addition to it. WhatsApp is working to add an alert to introduce the feature at the time of enabling it. Again, this feature is also under development.