Good news for all the WhatsApp users, especially to those who have needs to run a particular WhatsApp account to multiple devices simultaneously. Yes, the most awaited Multiple Device support on WhatsApp is not too far to come in betas and this is for both the Android and iOS versions.
As per the report of WABetaInfo, the most awaited WhatsApp feature is in its final stage of development and this stage is the earlier segment of the beta release. If any user wants to try this future, s/he make sure they installed the latest beta version.
There are some screenshots too shared by the source, where the first one shows how the secondary devices download the recent messages from the main device account, and in the second image, the option to add secondary devices along with the option to on/off the feature is visible. Let you know, users will be able to work in four different devices with the same WhatsApp account.
Another report by LiveMint is saying there is another feature that allows users to set wallpapers for individual chats. Earlier this feature was spotted in the iOS version and now, the developers are working to add this on Android too.
Do Check Out 👇🏼