The Vivo X90 Series is set to make its debut in India later this month, with reports indicating that the launch event will be held on April 26. This new series from Vivo will include two premium smartphones that are set to redefine the user experience in terms of performance, display, and camera.
The Vivo X90 Pro is expected to be the star of the series, with its impressive 1-inch camera sensor on the back. This sensor is expected to provide users with stunning picture quality and impressive low-light photography capabilities. The sensor is also expected to feature advanced image stabilization and autofocus features, which will ensure that every shot is sharp and clear.
Vivo X90 Series features and specifications
The phones in the X90 series are also said to feature a curved 120Hz AMOLED display, which will provide users with an immersive viewing experience. The display is expected to have a peak brightness of 1300 nits, making it ideal for use even in bright sunlight. The display is also expected to have a 120Hz refresh rate, which will ensure that every motion on the screen is smooth and seamless.
In terms of the front camera, the Vivo X90 series is expected to come with a 32MP camera, which will provide users with crisp and clear selfies. The camera is also expected to come with advanced features such as facial recognition and auto-focus, which will make it easy for users to take high-quality selfies.
The Vivo X90 series is set to be powered by the latest Snapdragon processor, ensuring that users have access to the top-of-the-line performance. The phones are also expected to come with a range of storage options, allowing users to store all of their favorite apps, games, and media files.
With its impressive camera sensors, curved AMOLED display, and powerful performance capabilities, the Vivo X90 series is set to offer users a premium smartphone experience. The phones are expected to debut in India on April 26, and it will be interesting to see how they perform in the highly competitive smartphone market. With the launch date drawing near, smartphone enthusiasts in India are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Vivo X90 series.