Vivo V21 5G launch in India is scheduled for April 29. The smartphone is expected to be a successor to the Vivo V20 Pro 5G, which launched a couple of months ago in India. Until now the company has shared some limited details about the phone. But yesterday an unboxing video of the upcoming Vivo V21 5G appeared on YouTube. The user name of the YouTube channel which goes by Kings Mobile has shared a detailed unboxing video yesterday. He has also disclosed the price of the smartphone ahead of the launch.
As described by the YouTuber, it seems that most of the specifications have already matched with some leaks which were covered by us in the past. In this video, the YouTuber has revealed that the phone will feature a 6.44-inches E4 AMOLED Display with a 90Hz refresh rate. There will be a triple rear camera setup at the back featuring 64MP(OIS)+8MP(UW)+2MP(Macro) camera sensors. The front-facing camera will be of 44MP(OIS) front.
Now moving to the chipset, this time we will get a MediaTek Dimensity 800U chipset smartphone paired with 8GB+3GB extended RAM and variable storage. The smartphone will run on Android 11 (Funtouch OS 11) and will be powered by a 4000mAh battery with the support of 33W fast charging. This smartphone is 7.29mm in thickness and weighs only 176 grams. The phone will be available in three different colours – Sunset Dazzle, Dusk Blue & Arctic White.
In the end, the YouTuber has also added that the phone will be priced similar to the Vivo V20 Pro 5G and it is on the higher side. The price as per the video will be ₹29,990, and there be only one storage variant like the previous model. Though this phone comes with a Dimensity 800U chipset the company seems to be keeping a higher price range for its extended RAM. We have also seen several devices like the Realme X7 and Realme Narzo 30 Pro having the same chipset but they are priced under Rs.20,000 in India.
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