Vivo has now officially confirmed that the Vivo V20 series will launch in Indian very soon. The company has posted a short teaser video on the twitter handle about the phone’s imminent launch in India. Not only this but also a promotional page of the upcoming Vivo V20 was also spotted on the Flipkart. That’s why we are almost confirmed that we are going to get the V20 series very soon in the Indian market. It is expected that this is series will be available exclusively on the e-commerce platforms of India.
Earlier it was reported that the Vivo V20 series is expected to be launched in the country on October 12. This series will include three smartphone models: Vivo V20, Vivo V20 SE, and Vivo V20 Pro. Among them, the Vivo V20 SE and the Vivo V20 Pro has already been launched in Malaysia and Thailand (respectively) earlier this month. As of now, not many details have been revealed about the Vivo V20 series.
According to the short teaser video tweeted by Vivo, the smartphones of this series will feature the ultra-slim design. The cover photo also highlights a glimpse of the upcoming series, offering its three expected color options – black, white, and a blue-purple gradient hue. Other than that, the Vivo V20 series will feature an impressive camera module as per the listing on the Vivo India website. That’s all we can assume right now about the series. The Vivo V20 has also been listed on Flipkart. however, t doesn’t reveal any details on the launch date or the pricing in India.