VingaJoy, India’s leading Gadget Accessory & Consumer Electronics brand, has launched its new 65W fast charger in the Indian market. The charger is priced at just Rs.1290/- and is available in all leading retail stores.
VingaJoy SPEED PRO CH-1040, 65 W Charger, now ends your search for the best fast charger
The VingaJoy Speed Pro CH-1040 is a powerful and versatile charger that can charge a variety of devices quickly and safely. It supports PD, QC, Warp, Dash, Flash, Dart, and Turbocharging protocols, making it compatible with a wide range of devices. The charger also has a built-in safety system that protects against over-voltage, short circuits, and overheating.
In addition to its fast charging capabilities, the VingaJoy Speed Pro CH-1040 is also very portable and lightweight. It measures just 6.5 x 6.5 x 3 cm and weighs just 150 grams. The charger also comes with a one-year warranty.
“We are excited to launch our new 65W fast charger in India,” said Lalit Arora, co-founder of VingaJoy. “This charger is a great option for anyone who is looking for a powerful and affordable way to charge their devices.”
The VingaJoy Speed Pro CH-1040 is available in white color and is priced at Rs.1290/-. It is available in all leading retail stores.
Here are some additional details about the VingaJoy Speed Pro CH-1040:
- Supports USB charging for Android phones and other gadgets
- Includes a USB A to USB Type-C cable
- Has safety features to prevent over-voltage, short circuit, and overheating
- Extremely portable and lightweight design
- Comes with one water bottle free on buying a 2 piece combo of CH- 1040 charger
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