Vidhu Vinod Chopra recently celebrated 1 year of his blockbuster film 12th Fail. In addition to the celebration, he penned a heartwarming note and shared his upcoming venture Zero Se Restart’s motion with all of us. The said film will see the struggles he encountered while filming 12th Fail, with an insight into Chopra’s world of cinema.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s Zero Se Restart
Chopra shared the motion poster from Zero Se Restart on his Instagram and it included him announcing that the film would also show how he overcame all challenges while getting 12th Fail made. He announced that the movie is set to be released in theaters on December 13. Chopra wrote, “You watched and loved 12th Fail, now discover the story of how it almost never got made and the tenacious filmmaker who simply never gave up! Vidhu Vinod Chopra presents Zero Se Restart. #ZeroSeRestart in cinemas, 13th December!”
Chopra expressed his sentiments about Zero Se Restart, saying, “For me, this feels like going back to the drawing board and starting from zero. I want to share this story with everyone who has faced roadblocks in their lives. I encourage them to never give up and keep striving. As we say, Lage Raho!”
Just so we are clear, Zero Se Restart isn’t a prequel to 12th Fail but an original narrative on Chopra’s quest to try his hands at something many declared will never reach the completion stage. In an earlier interview, the LA-based singer-songwriter called it a “tale of triumph against all skepticism and odds.” Chopra then repeated that this film is not going to be a how-to-make-films-but-a-more-crazy-light-hearted-happening-of-what-the-procedure-was notion. After the 12th Fail receives an unprecedented amount of love, and he is excited to tell this tale to the audience.
12th Fail starred Vikrant Massey as well as Medha Shankar. The movie did not get a very warm reception during its theatre release but gained a lot of attention once it was streamed over OTT platforms.
What is Zero Se Restart about?
Zero Se Restart explores the journey of Vidhu Vinod Chopra in making 12th Fail, highlighting the challenges he faced and the persistence required to bring the film to life.
When will Zero Se Restart be released?
The film is set to hit cinemas on December 13.