It has been revealed that the Honor Pad X9 will debut in India. The awaited mid-range tablet’s webpage on Amazon India is presently operational. The device will include crucial features including an 11.5-inch display with a 2K resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate, more RAM, and six speakers, according to the banner advertising placed on the retailer’s website.
As is generally known, Honor is getting ready to make a comeback in the Indian smartphone market. Rumors said that a new tab will be revealed in the country in August. While wait, let’s look at the Honor Pad X9’s specifications.
Honor Pad X9 Specifications
The Honor Pad X9 is powered by a Snapdragon 685 processor. There is no support for 4G LTE because the tablet only supports Wi-Fi connectivity. There are 128GB of internal storage and 4GB of RAM available.
As a result, all of its details are previously known. An 11.5-inch IPS LCD screen with a 2K resolution of 2,000 x 1,200 pixels, a 5:3 aspect ratio, a refresh rate of 120 Hz, and a 100 percent sRGB color gamut is included on the mid-range tablet. The tablet will be equipped with a six-speaker audio system that supports 360-degree surround sound thanks to Honour Histen audio technology, providing a rich audio experience.
The device runs Android 13 and Magic UI 7.1 and has a 7,250mAh battery. Honor has not yet disclosed the price of the Honor Pad X9 in India. In Europe, the tablet costs €250, or around Rs 23,000 now. The price in India would most likely fall between Rs 15,000 and Rs 20,000.