UBON, India’s leading Gadget Accessory & Consumer Electronics brand has announced its association with the pop Diva, renowned singer/musician and leading singing talent show judge, Neha Kakkar as its new brand ambassador. This association, we strongly feel, will not only strengthen the brand appeal among the musicophiles but will also enhance the customer base needless to mention the other Celebes associated with UBON are Tiger Shroff, The Great Khali, Honey Singh etc.
In line with the huge fan base of the brand, Neha Kakkar was the perfect choice as she, through her songs and undoubtedly a powerhouse with a charming personality, connects well with the youth. She is a true fashion icon and inspires the youth both through her voice and fashion choices. Apart from the glam world, she also believes in sharing her fortune for the good of others and actively participates in many CSR activities.
UBON’s Managing Director Mandeep Arora said, “Neha Kakkar is exceptionally a perfect choice as a face of the brand. She has won millions of hearts through her unique singing talent, dynamic personality and her astounding career filled with nothing but hard work. We believe that Neha can perfectly express the idea of the brand and connect with the young generation of our country. We are thrilled to get Neha Kakkar to join our brand and work and believe in us as passionately as she does in the music; whilst inspiring the youth to feel more connected with the brand”.
UBON’s Co-Founder Lalit Arora said, “We are delighted to start our collaboration with Neha Kakkar, who truly is one of the coolest Indian playback singer. An embodiment of inimitable style and energy, Neha Kakkar perfectly aligns with the identity of the brand as our tag line “Life Mei Laye Music, Music Mei Life” totally resonate with her persona”.
Brand Ambassador Neha Kakkar said, “I am delighted to be the face of UBON, a brand whose values speak for the young generation of the country. I’m also excited to participate in the brand’s outstanding venture of bringing high end technologies and style in the consumer and mobile gadgets industry. I’m hopeful that this association will ensure a powerful connection with the youngsters and hence create a fruitful consumer base for UBON.”
UBON Store: https://amzn.to/3HQUqsR